Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rape -- Honest, Legitimate and Otherwise

This is a picture of Richard Mourdock who is running for the senate from Indiana.

As you probably know, there are a lot of crazies running for office and Mr. Mourdock is one of them.

This is what he said about rape:

"The only exception I have to have an abortion is in the case of the life of the mother," said Mourdock, the Tea Party-backed state treasurer. "I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God. I think that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."

Obviously he differs from Todd Akin's position that in the case of a 'legitimate rape' a woman's body can 'shut the whole thing down.'  Presumably Mourdock doesn't think a woman has that magic spermicide that she can launch after a rape.

But obviously Mourdock thinks that God uses rapists for his own damn reasons.

And Ron Paul, who may still be running for the Presidency and is an actual medical doctor, said that in a case of 'honest rape' the victim should go to the ER and he would give them a shot of estrogen.

These are not the only candidates espousing some sort of right to make a woman's health a public affair.  There are far too many of them.

If you are a human being, and female in gender most particularly, all of this crazy talk should frighten you.  Elect any of these delusional men to office and you'll need to consider your uterus and other reproductive organs as public property.

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