Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Deceits of San Francisco

We once heard a person tell someone who had been arrested for DWI that "it could happen to anyone."

Well, really it couldn't unless that anyone was drunk and operating a motor vehicle.

But we digress.

The mitred gentleman above is the new Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone.  About a month ago before his promotion was made official, he was arrested for a DUI.

You'll be delighted to know the Archbishop has maintained his sense of humor.  As he told his congregation:

I know in my life God has always had a way of putting me in my place. I would say, though, that in the latest episode of my life God has outdone himself.

While this chit chat was going on in St. Mary's Cathedral, about three dozen gay rights activists protested outside.  Seems the Archbishop is very anti-gay rights, anti-premarital sex and anti-cohabitation.  Apparently, though he is not anti-drinking and driving.

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