Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Not About the Bike -- It's Either About the Dope or the Cancer

It's possible that having cancer in your balls, brain and lungs would be the most depressing thing that could ever happen to you but apparently there are other possibilities. 

Everyone has their Lycra in a twist because Lance Armstrong, although never admitting he had been doping, has resigned from everything because of the allegations.

The alleged doping scheme is more complex than every maneuver conducted during World War II multiplied by ten.  Who can be bothered trying to figure it out?  Let's just say that every cyclist who races professionally is juiced and a lot of them got that way thanks to Lance.

He's been stripped of his seven Tour de France titles, his Live Strong cancer charity, and his dignity.  People are wiping their asses with his autobiographies.

Let's just say we have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  It amazes us that this man can even get out of bed without injecting himself with powdered rhino horn.  Beating the cancer that almost killed him is quite a feat in and of itself.  Riding a bike faster than anybody else pales, roids or not.

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