Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Devil's in the Details

The Republican presidential hopefuls had themselves another debate last night. Governor Mitt Romney is all proud of himself because Governor Christie endorsed him and there's talk of a Governor Sandwiches selection as the VP nominee if Romney gets the GOP nod.

Meanwhile there's still Herman Cain who missed his chance to be the first black President. He's never been elected to anything. Instead he was the big cheese at Godfather's pizza. He knows absolutely nothing about anything outside of the US of A and if you're looking for someone who does, you best find yourself another nominee.

And of course, there's always Michele Bachmann who suggests that if you turn Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan upside down (6-6-6) you'll see the Devil in the details.

If you look at Cain's surgical scar from his colon cancer surgery (he was stage 4) you'll notice it looks like the letter 'J,' which means that Jesus is watching over him.

Ah, yes. The Christian card. Will Romney's Mormonism be a problem? Stay tuned.

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