Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Voodoo Dat?

Okay, I am officially starting a rumor a/k/a I am channelling Pat Robertson.

January 12th : Horrific earthquake in Haiti, which is, as you know, where the populace sold their souls to the Debbil so that Napoleon would leave. Or whatever.

February 7th: New Orleans Saints win their first Super Bowl championship in their first Super Bowl appearance. Ever.

Coincidence? I think not.

This is the circle of life, people! And there is an apocolyptic battle going on between good and evil and it's all because of those damned semi-French people.

Haiti ... New Orleans ... basically settled by the same sort of folks ... Creoles. They learn how to make jambalaya and cast spells using voodoo. They also think nothing of exposing their breasts.

So we have Hurricane Katrina sent by Jebus to flatten New Orleans, followed years later (but only a blink in heaven time) by an earthquake sent to flatten Port-au-Prince, followed by a victory for the football team from the aforementioned city hit by Katrina.

Yes, yes, we are witness to this! Amen! The south is getting hit with snowstorms this winter because of the increase in the volitility of the battle of good versus evil.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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