Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Different Strokes

I never knew this guy when he was alive but I'm sure we had nothing in common. Today his face is plastered all over the internet because he had a stroke and died. His name was Phil Harris and he was also a Captain because he was boss on a crabbing boat featured on "The Deadliest Catch" which is one of those reality television shows.

He was 53 and a chain smoker.

I am just amazed that he lived as long as he did. Wow.

This here's a picture of mob boss, Tommy Shots Gioeli. Tommy Shots tried to convince a judge that he should get to use his Get Out of Jail card because he was in ill health. The judge said, "No," so Tommy Shots, determined to get the last word, went and had a stroke. So there.

He has a 'junk food habit,' a heart condition and he's diabetic. Again I wonder how he's lived as long as he has. Oh, and he's not dead. Yet.

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