Monday, March 26, 2012

Let's Get a Huge Hacksaw ...

This is a mug shot of George Zimmerman from 2005, the self-appointed neighborhood watchdog in Florida, who shot the unarmed Trayvon Martin because he looked 'suspicious.'

Isn't this a lot like calling the kettle black? (No racist pun intended.) We've seen George's picture in the dictionary next to the word suspicious.

We have long advocated slicing the state of Florida off the continental United States and hoping it floats into the Atlantic. What else can you do with a state that has a law like "Stand Your Ground?" You're allowed to shoot someone you think is threatening you? Nope, cut it off, just like the flaccid penis it appears to be.

Mr. Zimmerman apparently had dreams of being a policeman but for one reason or another never did. Instead he followed people he thought were suspicious and constantly called 911. He should have been locked up long ago.

We don't need vigilantes in this country. We have enough problems.

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