Friday, December 04, 2009


Wow! What a funny picture this is of Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan! It almost looks as if it was taken by some guy on his knees while he ... okay, never mind.

I was previously unfamiliar with this dude, but he used to be the Vatican's chief beanie baby on health care issues until he retired this year.

He was interviewed by a magazine called Pontifex which sounds like some nasty suppository to me. Anyway, the name of the rag isn't anywhere near as nasty as what came out of this man's mouth; the words, I mean.

He had a lot to say about homosexuals and transsexuals, but nothing you haven't heard before coming out of the mouths of vaticrats.

For instance:

Transsexuals and homosexuals will not enter into the Kingdom of God, and I do not say this, but Saint Paul does.

One is not born a homosexual. One becomes a homosexual. It is for various reasons, such as education, or for not developing one's own proper identity in adolescence; perhaps they are themselves not responsible, but acting against the dignity of the human body, certainly they will not enter Heaven. All that goes against nature and against the dignity of the human body offends God.

Could it be a good sign that a papal spokesman told Reuters that Pontifex shouldn't be considered an authority on Catholic thinking "on complex and delicate issues such as homosexuality?"

One can only hope.

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