Wednesday, December 02, 2009

U.S. News Wrap-Up

In case you haven't been out of your cave recently, I'd like to catch you up on what's been capturing the attention of the media.
Take Tiger Woods. It seems as if everyone else has. After his car crash last week and the subsequent allegations that he's been cheating on his wife, it seems that all of his paramours are coming out of the woodwork. I mean, how has this guy had time to play golf with all the schtupping he's apparently been doing?
Then there's the couple who crashed the White House State Dinner.

Tareq and Michaele Salahi wangled their way into last week's State Dinner in what seems to have been the final episode of the Bravo Reality show soon to hit the airwaves, "Real Housewives of Washington, D.C." There's something seriously wrong with this country where just about everything turns into a television show.

But if a well-loved athlete unable to keep his pants zipped and a couple of starry-eyed hustlers supping with the President don't shock you, how about this? Meredith Birney, who portrayed Elyse Keaton on the beloved Family Ties show, has announced she's gay. Gay! Mrs. Keaton! Yup, she's 62 and discovered just a few years ago that she was gay. How is that possible? She's now been with her girlfriend for four years after realizing she was a lesbian seven years ago. Didn't she have an inkling after any one of her three marriages didn't work out? What do Alex and Mallory think? Jennifer and little Andrew? Sheesh.

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