Thursday, December 08, 2005

Side Effects

Every television commercial for medication dispensed by prescription has them. That's the list of reasons why you really shouldn't be taking the medication.

There are the obvious ones:

If you are pregnant, think you might be pregnant or are nursing a baby do not take this medication.

And the less obvious:

May cause

- nausea
- headache
- anxiety
- unexplained bleeding
- blindness
- stroke
- heart attack
- esophogeal holes

and in rare cases -- death.

I would rethink my R&D department if the best they could come up with was a drug that had death as a side effect.


Anonymous said...

sight effect: may cause blindness

sighed effect: may cause mild disappointment

site effect: may cause you to be in a different place

why did the chicken cross the road to change his medication: to get to the other side effects

Moons in Leo said...

Good one!!!