Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Wascally Wabbit Sentenced

Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State football defensive coach and serial child rapist, was sentenced today to between thirty and sixty years in prison.

He didn't have anything to say at the sentencing but he has said plenty none of which makes any sense.

Sandusky believes he is the victim.  In his own bizarre words:

My wife has been my only sex partner that was after marriage. Our love continues. A young man who was dramatic a veteran accuser, and always sought attention, started everything. He was joined by a well-orchestrated effort of the media, investigators, the system, Penn State, psychologists, civil attorneys and other accusers. They won. I've wondered what they really won: Attention, financial gain, prestige… will all be temporary. Before you blame me, as others have, look at everything and everybody. Look at the preparation for the trial and the trial. Compare it to others. Think about what happened. Why, and who made it happen? Evaluate the accusers and their families. Realize they didn't come out of isolation. The accusers were products of many more people and experiences than me. Look at their confidants and their honesty. Think about how easy it was for them to turn on me given the information, attention and potential perks. I never labeled or put down them or their families.

Hopefully Jerry will become someone's bitch in the big house.

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