Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Uncivil War

This man is a state senator in Arkansas and he self-published a book, the cover of which is pictured above next to his picture.

Mr. Hubbard has some refreshing ideas for the twenty-first century.  One of them is that slavery might actually have been a good thing.

The institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.

When you put it that way, we didn't need a civil war, did we?

And Senator Hubbard laments the laziness of the slaves' descendants.

One of the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to a level close to that of white students. But, to the great disappointment of everyone, the results of this theory worked exactly in reverse of its intended purpose, and instead of black students rising to the educational levels previously attained by white students, the white students dropped to the level of black students. To make matters worse the lack of discipline and ambition of black students soon became shared by their white classmates, and our educational system has been in a steady decline ever since.

That American Christians aren't doing anything about this is comparable to Nazi Germany when those nice white folks let Hitler run amok.

People voted for this man and put him in office.  Granted, it's only Arkansas, but still.

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