Saturday, October 27, 2012

Folks Not Like Us

There is absolutely nothing that anyone can say or do that can make it all better for a parent who has lost a child.

A couple of days ago a nanny who worked for a well-to-do family in New York City apparently went berserk and stabbed and killed the two children who had been left in her care while the mother took another child to a swim class.

The entire investigation into this horrendous situation is raising many questions for us.  Answering them won't bring the children back but maybe responses might help make sense of an unintelligible situation?

Yoselyn Ortega had been working for the Krims for about two years.  Mr. Krim is an executive with CNBC.  Mrs. Krim is unemployed.  They had three children, a six-year-old girl, a three-year-old girl and a two-year-old boy.  The oldest and youngest children were murdered.

Neighbors and friends of Ms. Ortega recount she had been depressed recently and opined that she felt like she was losing her mind.  She had money troubles.  She worked twelve hour days for the Krims and sold cheap jewelry and make-up on the side and yet she still had financial trouble. 

In the world we inhabit, parents who hire nannies do so because they both work.  We find it, shall we say unusual, that a stay at home mother requires full time help to raise three children and presumably the eldest child was in school at least part of the day.

We wonder how much the nanny was being paid if she still could not make ends meet after working twelve hour days.  Was she being paid 'under the table?'  Were they taking taxes out of her pay?

By all accounts, everybody got along, but obviously something was seriously wrong for Ms. Ortega to murder the two young children in her care.

No matter what the reason, it will never make any sense or justify this heinous act.

Still, we have this nagging suspicion that part of the trigger was the Krims' lifestyle.  Perhaps Ms. Ortega resented their situation when contrasted with her own.  And what more horrible thing can one do to a parent than to kill their children?

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