Friday, August 31, 2012

I Got a Monk on My Back

No, this isn't some new cast member on Game of Thrones.  This guy is a for real monk named Father Benedict Groeschel.

Among other things, he's a television host and director of the Office for Spiritual Development for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York.  This week he gave an interview to the National Catholic Register. 

It's gone now because it was a wee bit controversial.  Seems that Friar Tuck here made a claim that "in a lot of cases" of abuse, "the youngster... is the seducer."

From what a person could make out from his insane ramblings he is also sympathetic towards Jerry Sandusky, referring to him as a 'poor guy.'

Listen, Catholic hierarchy, it's well known that you've been protecting pedophiles for millennia, but now that everybody knows you need to rein in nut jobs like this Santa look alike.

Although the 79-year-old has issued an apology (sort of), we are not accepting it and think he ought to be locked up with Jerry.

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