Tuesday, August 28, 2012

When is an Unplanned Pregnancy Similar to Rape? Never.

This is Tom Smith, allegedly, who is running for the United States Senate from the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

He was appalled, as were most people, when another Senate hopeful, Todd Akin, came out with his crazy ass remark about how women's bodies can 'shut down' a rapist's sperm that's hell bent on impregnating her.

Well, Tom's not that stupid and to prove it he says he has gone through something very similar to rape.  His unmarried daughter got knocked up after having consensual sex with a man.

It shouldn't even be necessary to point out that the two situations are not similar in the slightest; however, Mr. Smith (who hopefully won't go to Washington) just wasn't getting how dissimilar they were.

"What that congressman said I do not agree with at all," Smith said. "He should have never said anything like that.

"I lived something similar to that with my own family," he went on to say. "She chose life and I commend her for that. She knew my views but fortunately for me … she chose the way I thought. Now don't get me wrong. It wasn't rape."

Smith was then asked if his daughter's unwed pregnancy and rape were similar. "No, no, no. Put yourself in a father's position, yes, I mean it is similar," he said.

Asked again to clarify his statement, Smith said he wasn't comparing the two.

"No, I didn't not say that," Smith said. "I said I went through a situation (with a daughter). It's very, very difficult. But do I condone rape? Absolutely not. But do I propose life, yes I do. I'm pro-life, period.

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