Tuesday, July 24, 2012

For Once, Crime Does Not Pay

These are Penn State college students expressing dismay, tears, sadness and idiocy as they heard what the NCAA is going to do to their football program.

We can excuse them for being stupid because they are young but eventually they're going to have to grow up.

They don't understand that they are in college to get an education that will enable them to get jobs and support themselves and their families when they graduate.  They believe Penn State is all about football.

Kids, if you don't understand that your God the Father, Joe Paterno, was a bad man for not saying or doing anything to stop Jerry Sandusky's years of raping children and deserves to suffer the repercussions, even post mortem, then maybe you shouldn't even have the chance to get a college diploma.

Bravo to the NCAA; however, sports shouldn't be the most important thing that a college has to offer.  It has to come after the "book learnin'" part.

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