Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Second Amendment Blues

Although 'they' say you can't judge a book by its cover, one look at this photograph of 'alleged' Colorado movie theatre murderer, James Holmes, and we think, "Oh, yes you can." Dude has weird written all over him.

In America, where our love of guns is greater than our love of people, there are many people (mostly men) who are just a few assault weapons short of another mass murder.

Television reporters keep asking, "Why did he do it?"

Seriously?  We can tell you why.

Because he was out of his fucking mind.

We don't know when his brain took that leap into total insanity, but surely someone had to have noticed that this heretofore apparently sane person suddenly bought four assault weapons, dyed his hair orange and claimed to be the Joker.

The carnage will never end until weapons, solely designed to kill mass quantities of people in as short a period of time as possible, are not sold as easily as they are today.

After Columbine, this should have stopped at least in Colorado.  Shame on you.

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