Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bored of the Rings

Could there be anyone on Planet Earth who cares less about the Olympics than we do?  Probably not although the tattooed Olympians picture above are interesting.

Perhaps these games had their place in ancient Greece but today they just strike us as a colossal waste of time, money and energy.

If Londoners are enjoying their party, good for them.  We see doping scandals and nonsense 'sports' that the Spartans would have laughed at.

Dressage?  Seriously.  If Ann Romney wants to invest in a dancing horse, good for her.  How many Cadillacs can one person drive anyway?  She can even tie it to the top of one of her cars if she likes.  Horse ballet belongs in the Horse Olympics.

Table tennis; i.e. ping pong?  This is a sport?  No, it's something out of Forrest Gump.

The Olympics promote chauvinism.  My country has better athletes than your country.

Who cares?

Not us.

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