Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

We neglected to mention that Monsignor William Lynn, who was convicted of child endangerment last month in Philadelphia, was sentenced last week to three to six years in prison.

This is the first time a Roman Catholic official has been sentenced to time in the slammer.

According to the NY Times:

In a three-minute statement before sentencing, Monsignor Lynn, dressed in a black clerical shirt and white collar, said: “I have been a priest for 36 years, and I have done the best I can. I have always tried to help people.”

Turning toward relatives of an abuse victim in the courtroom, he said, “I hope someday that you will accept my apology.”

But he did not comment on the broader accusations that he put children at risk by repeatedly protecting “monsters in clerical garb,” as Judge Sarmina described it at the hearing.

We believe the only people he tried to help were clerical pedophiles.

Enjoy your prison stay!

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