Sunday, December 04, 2011


Is it true that some supporters of Herman Cain took their old John McCain campaign posters and just crossed out the "Mc" or are we making that up?

In any event, you will no doubt be broken up to hear that the former Godfather Pizza executive has decided to suspend his campaign to secure the Republican nomination for President.

Ginger White was evidently the last straw. When she came out of the woodwork and said she and Herman had a thirteen year affair, well, Cain got caught with his pants down so to speak. There was no denying all the texts and phone calls he had placed to her at all hours of the day and night. Then there was his admission that he had given her money. In some corners of the world, that's referred to as prostitution.

And when he wasn't stroking Ms. White, Herman Cain had his hands up the skirts of any number of fine ladies.

In true narcissistic form, Cain blames everyone else for his problems. Sexually harassing women is not his problem as long as nobody talks about it. That long term affair would have been okay as long as Ginger stayed on the spice girl rack with her mouth shut.

We sort of wish Mrs. Cain would toss him out on his sorry ass. Publicly and embarrassingly.

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