Sunday, December 04, 2011

The Court of Public Opinion

For some unknown reason, having a televised interview via telephone with Bob Costas with his attorney sitting next to Costas was not enough for Jerry Sandusky.

Apparently in order to convince everyone of his guilt in the child abuse allegations, he consented to another interview with the New York Times. His attorney wasn't just present for that one. It was actually conducted at his home.

If Sandusky is a moron (which by all indications he is) then his attorney is even worse. Dude should be disbarred.

By his own admission, Sandusky does not understand the word 'boundary.' He admits that he 'wrestled' and 'hugged' these boys and thinks they really wanted him to do that. No, Jerry, nor did they want you to insert your penis into any part of their bodies.

So when do we get to string him up by his ball sac?

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