Thursday, November 03, 2011

Worse Than Clarence Thomas

Wow. Is Herman Cain an asshole! That's a statement, not a question.

Where to begin?

Sure we've all had a few good laughs at his expense. It was hilarious that he had no interest in foreign affairs. The commercial with his campaign manager smoking that ended with him giving his best Ladies' Man smirk was priceless. And he didn't know that China had nuclear capabilities!

Now we find out that Cain was charged with sexual harassment when he was a lobbyist for the National Restaurant Association. First there were two women and now there's a third. A holy trinity of a shit shower for the Republican presidential candidate!

At first ole Herman denied he'd ever sexually harassed anyone and as he usually does he tried to deflect the allegations with a lot of double talk and nonsense. The women settled, one receiving a year's salary, but unfortunately there seems to be a confidentiality agreement and they can't give their side of the story.

Herman blames Rick Perry for leaking the story. Well, Herman, too bad there was something to leak. Cain just opens his mouth to change feet. While denying, denying and denying that anything even remotely like sexual harassment ever took place, he said he'd never invited a woman to his hotel room. Say wha? Who mentioned a hotel room?

The man is just a laugh riot. Unfortunately, some people think he'd make a great POTUS. Uh, no he wouldn't.

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