Friday, November 11, 2011

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Let's see if we have this straight.

Mike McQueary, pictured above next to Coach Joe Paterno, is sitting out tomorrow's Penn State game as assistant coach, because he's being threatened for reporting that he saw defensive coach Jerry Sandusky boinking a little boy in the team locker room in 1999.

Evidently McQueary reported this to Joe Paterno (who has now been fired after a 40 year career) but not to the police, but those who want to kill him are not upset about that. They only care that he has fucked up Paterno's longevity at the helm of the Nittany Lions.

Oh really, Penn State fans? What the hell is wrong with you people?

Have you no concept that pedophiles and the people who protect them are criminals and should be treated as such? Or are your stupid football games more important than protecting the young?

Never mind. Don't answer that.

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