Tuesday, November 08, 2011

"Hey! Have you ever seen a naked man?"

"We like boys!"

To be fair, you don't have to be a cleric to be a pedophile. You can also be a football coach.

Take Jerry Sandusky late of Penn State. Please. Right to prison where the inmates can have their way with him.

Over a period of fifteen years he is alleged to have molested eight boys -- that we know of.

During a naked shower in 2002, he was seen by a graduate assistant named Mike McQueary molesting a ten year old boy in the team locker room.

McQueary (great name, by the way) and his father reported the incident to Tim Curley, Penn State's athletic director, and later met with Gary Schultz, vice president for finance and business. Despite the eyewitness report, they did nothing to report the incident to Pennsylvania authorities as required by law.

College football god, Joe Paterno, is not believed to have known about the incidents.

Sandusky retired in 1999 to concentrate on his foundation to help at-risk kids, The Second Mile, which one should assume was really organized to give him better opportunities to assault more young boys.

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