Monday, October 03, 2011

A Rock by any Other Name

Hailing from the New York Metropolitan area, we profess we are sometimes ignorant as to how things are done in other parts of the United States of America.

It appears that in Texas people have hunting clubs where they presumably go to hunt and hopefully not shoot each other. Further, these hunting clubs have names. One might think they'd be called things like "West Texas Hunting Club" or "Dallas Hunting Club," but no, they have names like"Niggerhead."

At least that was the name of the Perry family's hunting club and some locals still call it that, despite the fact that some time after Rick entered the public political arena his daddy tried to paint over the rock that bore the name "Niggerhead." He did a less than spectacular job since you can still see it under the white paint.

GOP Republican Presidential candidate hopeful, Herman Cain, who is also the only black GOP contender, called Rick Perry out on this. Even in the 1980s when the rock was painted to cover up the "N" inscription, it was a good fifteen years beyond the heart of the civil rights movement. Surely before 1981 a politician would have had the sense to have the rock pummelled into tiny pieces of gravel lest it come back to hit him over the head when he wanted to be President of the United States thirty years later.

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