Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pot Calls Kettle Black -- and Gay

Representative Michele Bachmann (appearing here as Sky Queen) doesn't like gay people, but you already knew that. Her old man "Prays the Gay Away" which we all know is just another way of saying "Repression" while appearing to be incredibly stereotypically gay himself.

Now it's obvious that Mrs. Bachmann doesn't like black people either, and no, not just President Obama and his socialist ilk.

She was helicoptering around the Missouri River for some reason yesterday, lamenting the federal government's payout to black farmers who claimed they had been discriminated against for decades.

What Mrs. Bachmann did not mention was that the Bachmann family has suckled from the Federal teat itself, raking in about a quarter of a million dollars in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2006.

It could be the early stages of Alzheimer's, selective amnesia or straight up lying.

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