Thursday, November 18, 2010

If a Palin Falls in the Forest and Nobody Hears ...

Okay, this is an old picture of the Alaska Palins, but we use it to prove a point. They will not go away if we don't stop looking at them.

Bristol Palin is still on Dancing with the Stars this season despite the unanimous opinion that she dances as if she was shooting wolves from a helicopter. In fact, her performance got a Wisconsin man so fired up that he shot his television and threatened to do the same to his wife. He had suddenly come to the realization that Bristol was on the show only because her mother is Sarah Palin.

Excuse the digression. That's what the Palins do though; they make you digress because they're all over the place like moose shit.

Not only is Bristol trotting her little hoofies to the quick, but she appears in a PSA with The Situation wherein they talk about ' (sexual) abstinence,' a concept neither one of them actually understands.

Then there's Willow Palin who used the word 'faggot' on her Facebook page among other nasties as she attempted to defend her family's exploitative 'reality' show which appears on TLC (The Litter/Loony Channel). Willow, there's no way to defend it. Really.

And last, but certainly not least, Mama Grizzly Sarah has written yet another book. Pretty good for someone who has only a vague knowledge of her mother tongue. It's called America By Heart. In it she'll tell you why she's happy she didn't abort her son, Trig, and who she refers to as the 'retarded kid' when filming her reality show (so claims Kathy Griffin via Levi Johnston).

Turn them off, people, and step away from your televisions.

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