Christine O'Donnell, this is your weekend! Sunday is Halloween. Oh wait. You're not a witch, but you certainly are a vixen.
Seems some guy has crawled out of the closet to tell about Halloween night 2007 which he spent in his bed with the aforementioned Senatorial candidate. Well it was just one night and technically it was her night. I mean, dude has pictures and all!
Not only is O'Donnell's coven all up in arms about this but so is the National Organization of Women! Talk about strange bedfellows!
Listen, guys, this has nothing to do with the fact (which is somewhat indisputable) that Ms. O'Donnell is a woman running for office. She's not being 'picked on' because she's a woman. She's in the public eye because she's unqualified to hold public office and is an horrific hypocrite. She engages in the old "Do as I say, not as I do," philosophy.
Voters shouldn't like that characteristic in either men or women, warlocks or witches. It's just not cool.
Thank you! The knee-jerk, 'feminist' responses by NOW & Salon are totally missing the point. This story isn't an assault on her for being a woman, it's an expose of a hypocrite.
The "well she didnt actually have sex" defense completely misses the mark also. Christine would be the first to say that avoiding intercourse is not the point of a chaste lifestyle. In her own, "The Case for Chastity"( ) she writes "I know many physical virgins who are not sexually pure. I know many virgins... who are 'doing everything but' with their boyfriends." The article reveals Christine to be an "everything but[t?]" girl herself. She was naked in bed with a guy she had pretty much just met and only her overgrowth ended the party.
Articles like this are kind of icky and I agree that the guy who wrote it is no prize. Still, this article contributes far less to the culture of "slut shaming" than letting an anti-sex hypocrite like Christine O'Donnell go unchecked.
Dan, unfortunately we may be the only ones who get it.
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