Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Your Government At Work

Yes, the Senate confirmation hearing is insufferably boring. To her credit, Supreme Court judge nominee Elena Kagan has stayed awake.
Today the hearing took a twist when Senator Amy Klobuchar (D.-Minn) asked Ms. Kagan a particularly irrelevant question. Not just immaterial but perhaps frightening when one considers that Senator Klobuchar is an elected official.
This is what she said:
"You had an incredibly grueling day yesterday, and did incredibly well, but I guess it means you missed the midnight debut of the third Twilight movie last night. We did not miss it in our household, and it culminated in three 15-year-old girls sleeping over at 3 a.m. So I have this urge to ask you about this-"
and Kagan replied: "I didn't see that."

The Senator continued:

"I just had a feeling. I keep wanting to ask you about the famous case of Edward vs. Jacob, or The Vampire vs. The Werewolf."

Kagan replied, "I wish you wouldn't."
Senator: "Well I know you can't comment on future cases."
Oh, ha ha Senator Klobuchar! You should definitely be performing stand-up rather than sitting in a Congressional seat. No, I really mean that. The only alternative is that you were serious and I refuse to even consider that.

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