Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stained Reputation

Apparently the National Enquirer believes they are at the forefront of politician/sexual predator/pervert reporting since they were the first to publish the John Edwards' love child bit.

In tomorrow's edition they will be giving Molly Hagerty a voice to talk about Al Gore's perversion when she gave him a massage.

Allegedly there is new evidence ~ see those stained pants of hers she's holding above? They're so nasty she won't even touch them with her bare hands. At least Monica Lewinsky would handle her own dress, Molly!
Okay, I have questions. Was she supplied by the Hotel Lucia in Portland, Oregon where the alleged incident took place? Or was she a Dial-a-Masseuse offering the traditional 'hand release?' And this is supposedly an incident from, 2006. What took you so long, Molly?
Molly is 54 and from the looks of her she's crammed a lot of living into those years. No offense intended, girlfriend.

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