Saturday, May 01, 2010

Today's Vatican Scandal(s) News

Pope John Paul II giving his blessing to pervert

That's Rev. Marciel Maciel pictured above getting the high five from PJPII in November of 2004.

It wasn't any secret, even back then, that the Reverend was up to no good. He founded the order, Legionaries of Christ, in Mexico in 1941 and went on to sexually abuse seminarians and father at least one child. I'm assuming he didn't father the child with a seminarian or that truly would have been a miracle.

According to the AP:

The late Pope John Paul II had long championed the Legionaries for their orthodoxy and ability to bring in vocations and money.

Jason Berry, who co-authored the initial reports in 1997 in Connecticut's Hartford Courant detailing the allegations of abuse against Maciel, has recently written in the U.S. Catholic publication National Catholic Reporter of how the late pope's secretary and No. 2 [ wouldn't that be the current pope?] allegedly intervened to protect Maciel and accept donations on his behalf.

Now Pope Benedict XVI is promising a full investigation.

In a statement, the Vatican excoriated the Rev. Marciel Maciel for creating a "system of power" built on silence, deceit and obedience that enabled him to lead a double life "devoid of any scruples and authentic sense of religion" and allowed him to abuse young boys unchecked.

Sounds like the Legionaries were just a microcosm of the Church as a whole.

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