Friday, April 30, 2010

Misfortune Cookies

Love that the little dude has a cell phone

Something most unfortunate is going on in China.

Men have been entering schools and stabbing kids or beating them with hammers.

The latest crazy dude beat five preschoolers with a hammer before setting himself on fire today. I guess we should all be thankful that guns aren't more readily available.

According to the NY Times, it was the fourth assault on Chinese students in little more than a month and the third in three days.

The Lancet conducted a study which found that 91% of the 173,000,000 Chinese who are mentally ill never receive professional help. That's a hell of a lot of whack-a-doodles running amok. It's probably a miracle that more of the disturbed aren't murdering their countrymen.

It also might be a way to commit suicide since these attackers, if taken alive, are bound to receive the death penalty. The man who started this latest series of attacks in March has already been executed.

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