Friday, April 16, 2010

Puttin' the Shine On

John Swain

As I knew it would once it got its claws into this story, the NY Times has shed new light on our shoeshine arsonist, John Swain.
After his arrest for setting fire to the Bryant Park shoeshine stand not once but twice, Mr. Swain was back on the street doing what he does, shining shoes.
Lest you think all people who shine shoes are one big happy family in midtown Manhattan, think again. Apparently there is as much politicking as on any Board of Directors. And, as in real estate, it's all about location, location, location. His roommate describes the situation as "cut throat."
Swain doesn't deny he set fire to the stand and his next court appearance is scheduled for May 17th. He faces a fine or a year in prison for two counts of fifth-degree arson.

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