Thursday, April 15, 2010

Old Goats in Space

Today President Obama travels to Cape Canaveral, Florida to reassure workers associated with space missions that they will still have jobs even though we're not going back to the moon anytime soon. The Constellation program has been canceled.

Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Eugene Cernan were once astronauts and they're mad as hell about it. Maybe Armstrong wants to retrieve a golf ball or something. In any event, they're way too old to be blasted into space. Hmmm ... or maybe not.

Buzz Aldrin, who was recently voted off Dancing with the Stars, doesn't have a problem with the President's plan which includes having private companies handle the space shuttles.

I don't know why these old dudes think it's important that America remain a leader in space. Haven't we littered it with enough rotting garbage? Howzabout we get down to business here on terra firma?

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