Friday, March 05, 2010

When You Should Need a License to be a Parent

You may have heard about the air traffic controller who took his kids to work a few weeks ago and allowed them to talk to pilots from the tower at JFK Airport. Yeah, well that's really not cool even though they were doing his job under his direction. First he did it with his son and the next day he allowed his twin sister to do the same thing.

First of all, it wasn't Take Your Children to Work day or days. Do cardiac surgeons give their kids scalpels and tell them what to do? How'd you like a kid drilling your teeth while the dentist- parent looks on? It's one thing to let your kids make copies on the Xerox machine, but quite another having them guide planes out of the sixth busiest airport in the world.

Mr. ATC (Glenn Duffy) has been suspended, with pay, and now his kids blame themselves for Daddy getting into trouble. What? He's the parent ~ he needs to accept responsibility. Sounds similar to those rape victims, you know, asking for it.

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