Saturday, March 06, 2010

Getting Old Sucks

Let's face facts, people. There's nothing cute about getting old. Sure, Granny may be absolutely adorable when she curses like a stevedore, but she might be shooting her mouth off because she's out of her friggin' mind.

I have a theory. I think all the pharmaceuticals we're pumping into our senior citizens are making them crazier than they already are. Yes, people suffered from dementia before prescription medications were as popular as they are today, but there weren't as many of them because they weren't being kept alive.

Is anyone doing a study on the long term effects of these drugs on the elderly? Probably not, but if they are, I haven't heard about them. What I have heard is anecdotal evidence from people caring for oldsters.

"Yeah, Mom was just about nuts but I stopped giving her (fill in the blank with the prescription medication) and now she's just fine."

Someone's got to start looking into this because very shortly the baby boomers are going to be old folks and they are going to be clogging society's arteries with their craziness. There are millions of them and they're just waiting to get into the fast lane and drive at 30mph.

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