Thursday, March 04, 2010

Fool Me Once, Shame on Me ...

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

Thousands of Indians gather for a pilgrimage and/or just show up at a temple for a feast day. Something collapses. Everybody panics and a stampede ensues. Many die.


"How could this happen in such a holy place?" cried Phool Chand Saroj, a 48-year-old farmer whose wife, daughter and grandmother were killed in the stampede. "If they had been more careful about letting in the crowds this would not have happened."

Now I'm sorry for Mr. Saroj's loss, but is there no news in this country? Doesn't he know this happens every single time there's some kind of alleged celebration?

If all of the U.S.A.'s customer service reps are working in India, surely somebody can let these poor fools know that if they go to a temple en masse something really bad is going to happen.

This happened in Kunda. Today. And I bet it will happen again and again.

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