Friday, March 26, 2010

Megan Mullally-gaggin'

For some reason, this bit in the NY Times caught my attention today. I would bet most people don't even know who Megan Mullaly is, but I do, and I admit I'm not proud of it.

She played Karen on a television show called Will & Grace and she actually won two Emmys for her performance. I never watched the show, but I do know that when portraying the aforementioned Karen she used a high-pitched, extremely unpleasant voice which no doubt drove German Shepherds to attempt suicide.

Then a few years ago someone at NBC (maybe the idiots who put Jay Leno on during prime time) gave her a talk show. I think it lasted a season. The only point of it was to cure insomnia.

I heard that Mullaly didn't even attend staff meetings half the time and showed very little interest in the show, thus joining the millions of Americans who also had no interest in it.

Well, it seems she was in rehearsal for a Broadway play, the revival of Terrence McNally's Lips Together, Teeth Apart and up and quit because she was frustrated with the inexperience of a co-star, Peyton Oswalt.

Last time Mullaly appeared on Broadway was in the bomb, Young Frankenstein.

Megan, dear, listen up. You're not Vanessa Redgrave. Nobody really gives a shit if you're on Broadway or not. Further, I would bet not very many people care if you're ever on television again.

Maybe there's something else you can do.

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