Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is the Sound of One Priestly Pedophile?

This is a picture from 'the good old days' that folks are always talking about. It's 1960 to be exact and that priest with his hands folded is one Lawrence C. Murphy who molested about 200 deaf boys.

This story is in today's NY Times. Seems as if you can't swing a cat these days without hitting at least one pedophile who was protected by the Roman Catholic Church, and in Father Murphy's case, by the future Pope Benedict XVI in particular.

Although the present day pope accepted the Irish bishop's resignation for not following up on abuse allegations and wrote a letter apologizing for clerical abuse, seems he's always been at the head of the pack to keep these things quiet.

Every day the scandal gets worse as more accusations surface and the list of those who protected the predators gets longer.

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