Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Every Time You Lose a Pound, a Coin Clangs in Scientology's Coffers

Except for Donna Simpson, most people don't want to gain weight, they want to lose it. Take Kirstie Alley for instance. She wants to lose her pounds over and over again because she can make a buck every time she starts a diet.
She's got this new weight loss program called Organic Liaison that she was hawking on the Today Show. BTW, snaps to Meredith Viera for calling her out on the whole crazy Scientology thing and pointing out that she's substituted her addiction to cocaine for addiction to food.
And Kirstie has this new television program called Big Life. Isn't this her second or third fat girl television show? And her second or third weight loss program?
Since a Scientologist has to tithe back to the Mothership, 10% of every subscription to Organic Liaison ($1700) sends $170 to the organization, er, religion.
Someone please check Kirstie's expiration date. I think she needs to be taken off the shelf.

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