Tuesday, March 16, 2010

America Dodged the Bullet

Think about it, kids. Things might have turned out a little bit differently and John Edwards might have been elected president. If that doesn't make you fall to your knees and thank your higher power, nothing will.

And now we have Rielle Hunter, mother of his baby, cavorting pantless in GQ Magazine. Good thinkin', notorious party girl. Way to get the country on your side. 'Shameless hussy' is not a term I've even thought of for the last 80 years, but now it pops into my mind every time I see this person.

Barbara Walters evidently spoke to Miz Hunter who was very upset about the photographs, called them 'repulsive,' and cried for two hours after seeing them.

Oh, please. You pose without pants on, next to Kermit the Frog for God's sake, and you were upset? Kermit! Is nothing sacred?

Apparently she trusted the photographer, Mark Seliger, to take 'classy' pictures and couldn't say 'no' to him. Obviously, a recurring problem she has with men.

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