Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mary in the Sky ... with Diamonds

Medjugorje at Christmas. Huh?

Oh yeah, Vatican. When the international quest to hunt down the Catholic Church's pedophiles and prosecute them heats up, try to move everyone's attention elsewhere by talking about visions.

No, not the images of Mary in grilled cheese sandwiches and closet doors but images of Mary in the sky.
Take Medjugorje for instance.
Back in 1981 some kids in Bosnia swore up and down they saw the Virgin Mary and a shrine sprung up at the site. The Church has never formally investigated the apparitions until now! One of the visionaries claims Mary has shown up regularly since the original apparition.
My favorite part about the sightings was that pilgrims would stare into the sun and swear they saw Mary. Well, shit, nobody should be staring into the sun unless they want to burn their retinas to a holy crisp.
Of course it's not as easy to delude the faithful as it once was back at Lourdes and Fatima where other kids claimed to have seen Mary so the Vatican is going to tread carefully.
Personally I like it when a Cheeto is discovered in the shape of Mary, but that's just me.

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