Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Really Big Love

Pictured above is the President of South Africa and his three wives who, it should be noted, do not appear to be afraid to use color in their wardrobes.
Sixty-seven year old Jacob Zuma has admitted to fathering a 'love child' by none of his wives nor his fiancee. Oh yes, he is a polygamist.
Zuma has been criticized for his reckless behavior in a country that is struggling with HIV infection and AIDS. The rate of infection in South Africa is higher than that of any other country on the planet and apparently we have President Zuma to thank for it although he claims otherwise.
"It is mischievous to argue that I have changed or undermined government's stance on the HIV and AIDS campaign," Zuma said in the statement. "I will not compromise on the campaign. Rather we will intensify our efforts to promote prevention, treatment, research and the fight against the stigma, attached to the epidemic."
Nelson Mandela was imprisoned so South Africa could elect people like this?
I say put him in District 9 and throw away the key.

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