Thursday, February 04, 2010

I Left My Brat in Haiti

Okay, so listen up, you guys.

Remember that big Haitian earthquake? Well, don't go thinking you can just march in there all goody-two-shoes and think you can just leave with all the Haitian children! You will be detained and charged with kidnapping should you try to cross the border into the Dominican Republic with undocumented kids.

For those of you who haven't heard, a group of Baptist missionaries went to the little town of Callebas and took a bus load of children. At first the story was that they were orphans, but in truth their parents gave them away because they feared if the kids stayed they would just starve to death.

Now the Baptist ringleader, Laura Silsby, and others must appear before a prosecutor today to see if they will be released or imprisoned.

A Haitian born pastor, Rev. Jean Sainvil, said some of the children were orphans and might have been put up for adoption. Children with parents were to be kept in the Dominican Republic, and would not lose contact with their families, Sainvil said in Atlanta.

"Everybody agreed that they knew where the children were going. The parents were told, and we confirmed they would be allowed to see the children and even take them back if need be," he said.

Sainvil stressed that in Haiti it is not uncommon for parents who can't support their children to send them to orphanages.

I know I'm going out on a limb here, but do these people not know where babies come from? How can people who eat dirt continue to procreate at such a rate? Okay, I'm whistling into the wind, but seriously. I think this is true for anyone, anywhere in the world. If you can't take care of a child, don't get pregnant. This isn't rocket science, folks, just common sense.

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