Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Las Vegas is NOT the Capital of Stupid!

President Barack Obama is catching a lot of flack for once again insinuating that Las Vegas, Nevada is not a good place to invest your money.

According to the AP while the POTUS was speaking in New Hampshire, he said, "You don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you're trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices."

He was talking about responsibility, and of course as we all know, Las Vegas is built on irresponsibility.

Although the President's said things like this before, apparently this time everyone popped a gasket. The mayor, the governor and Senator Harry Reid all made noises about how it isn't fair to pick on Las Vegas as the #1 place where people shouldn't be spending their money. Even though it is.

You could just go into your bathroom and start flushing your dollars down the crapper. That would be faster and you wouldn't have to lay out the airfare.

Some of the best episodes of Cops have been filmed in Las Vegas thus proving that everything that happens in Vegas doesn't stay there.

New Orleans may have Mardi Gras but it's not a 365 day a year festival. For 24/7 year round wanton behavior Las Vegas has every other town beaten. To a bloody pulp.

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