Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The Huffing Post

Last night's episode of Intervention on A&E was all about Huffing and Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask or something like that.

Huffing is sucking things into your lungs that could easily kill you (or just make you look crazy like the guy pictured above) like the cans of duster you use to clean your keyboard. You know the ones I mean; they have long red skinny tubes.

Now let me insert here that losing a loved one, especially a child, is not even vaguely amusing and I can't imagine anything worse.

That being said, it's entirely too easy to ridicule people who want to get high so badly but have budgets, so they huff gasoline or anything Mom keeps under the kitchen sink.

And get this ~ it's legal!

Yeah, so far in these crazy United States it's still legal to buy gasoline and cleaning products! And to those folks who think you should need a prescription to polish your furniture, I say, get real.

Is it my fault your stupid kids want to get high all day and night? I should have a filthy keyboard just because Travis McIdiot wants to suck on a can of duster?

No, Mom and Dad. Keep a better eye on your kid. When he starts to look like the dude pictured above, make sure you do something.

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