Sunday, January 31, 2010

Step Aside Nolte and Dick, You've Been Torn

Abusing substances and getting arrested are never funny to those to whom it's happening, but to the rest of us ... well, let's just say it can be hilarious.
Take 78-year-old actor Rip Torn for instance. Please. Right to the Drunk Tank.
Last night the old Ripster wielding a pistol, broke into a bank in Connecticut. He was, according to the police, 'highly intoxicated.' They basically threw the book at the old sot and charged him with carrying a pistol without a permit, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, first-degree burglary, first-degree criminal trespass and third-degree criminal mischief.
Most impressive, Rip.
He's got a few DUI charges under his belt, hit Norman Mailer in the head with a hammer, got Dennis Hopper to pull a knife on him (for which he sued him), but personally last night's romp gets my vote as his best brush with the law yet.
Nick Nolte and Andy Dick have a lot to learn from this dude.

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