Friday, February 19, 2010

Australian for Saint

Papal To Do List:

1) Prada - need new red shoes (check to see if there are any good spring colors)
2) Check to see if any new miracles occurred overnight
3) Name an Australian nun a saint

Oh yes, boys and girls. In case you didn't know (and I admit I didn't) the Roman Catholic church had never named an Australian a saint. Hard to believe, I know.

Well, fear not. Out of the papal bag o'tricks comes one Mother Mary MacKillop, a woman who founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph back in the nineteenth century, spreading Catholicism to Australia and New Zealand. The nuns established schools, orphanages and clinics for the needy. (I'm sure Mother MacKillop whacked a few heads with that book she's holding in the picture.)

At one point she was actually excommunicated (sorry, don't know the details) but then all was forgiven. And on October 17th she will be officially canonized. Congrats!

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