Friday, February 19, 2010

Fruit Loops

Okay, about this Olympic figure skating thing. Is this really a sport? If so, is it a sport the way synchronized swimming is a sport?

I don't like women's skating and I certainly don't like men's figure skating. I'm about as open minded as anyone can be barring a huge hole in the side of my head, but I'm sorry it's just way too gay.

And now there's some cat fight between the American who won the gold and the Russian who came in second? Meow, ladies! And Putin is involved? Pulleeze! What the hell is going on? Would Nikita Kruschev have banged his shoe because one of his comrades didn't get the gold? Hell, no!

And who is this guy Johnny Wier? He has more feathers than a Vegas show.

There's a time and a place for this and I think it's called the Ice Capades and it's what goes on at arenas after the real sports are over.

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