Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Which Way to Disneyland?

Remember Mitt Romney?  He lost the presidential election to President Obama.  

A few weeks ago he was spotted pumping his own gas and told someone who asked that he was on his way to Disneyland.

Pumping his own gas!  Isn't it amazing that a few nanoseconds after conceding the election all the Secret Service agents disappear and one returns to life as it was before the campaign?

This is our favorite picture of Governor Romney.  His hair is messy, he looks disheveled, and he is performing a menial task.  WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE DONE THIS WHEN HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?
People might have related to him.  Why, he's just like us!  He knows how to pump gas!

Is that regular or unleaded?

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